Good morning!
Due to this extraordinary situation in which we are in, we have to continue the classes from our home. I recommend to mix the activities the teacher is sending to you with some other activities like online games, songs, apps for the phone and/or watching animated series in English. I show you here some resources to work English from home:
- Watch our favourite series/movies in English (with subtitles if needed).
Some movies and TV shows to watch with the smallest ones of the house: Wall-E, Toy Story, Frozen, Dora the Explorer, Peppa Pig, Caillou, SpongeBob, Maisy Mouse.
Tv shows and movies to watch with the medium and older ones: Phineas and Ferb, Martha Speaks, Harry Potter saga, Tangled, Wall-E, The Iron Giant.
- Youtube:
For the little ones: SuperSimple Songs, PinkFong, Bounce Patrol, Cocomelon, Dream English Kids, Storybots.
Medium and older ones: Storybots, English Singsing, Cut (culture videos),
- APPS for the phone or tablet:
- Duolingo, Academons, Lyricstrainer (web), Smile and Learn.
I send you hugs and love! Together we can get over this!
Bos días!
Debido a esta extraordinaria situación na que nos atopamos, vémonos nas situación de seguir a actividade lectiva dende as nosas casas. Eu recomendo mesturar as actividades que enviamos os mestres/as con algunhas actividades como xogos online, cancións, apps para o móbil e/ou series animadas vistas en inglés. Deixo aquí algúns recursos para traballar o inglés dende a casa:
- Ver as nosas series/películas favoritas en inglés (con subtítulos se é necesario).
Algunhas pelis e series sencillas para ver en inglés cos máis pequenos: Wall-E, Toy Story, Frozen, Dora the Explorer, Peppa Pig, Caillou, SpongeBob, Maisy Mouse.
Series e películas para os medianos e maiores: Phineas and Ferb, Martha Speaks, Harry Potter saga, Tangled, Wall-E, The Iron Giant.
- Youtube
Para os máis pequenos: SuperSimple Songs, PinkFong, Bounce Patrol, Cocomelon, Dream English Kids, Storybots.
Para medianos e maiores: Storybots, English Singsing, Cut (culture videos),
- APPS para o móbil ou a tableta.
- Duolingo, Academons, Lyricstrainer (web), Smile and Learn.
Envíovos abrazos e amor! Xuntos podemos con isto!
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